Friday, July 8, 2011

Yesterday was easier...

Friday: Cycle 1, Day 4

171 pounds (I actually feel skinnier today and was surprised to only have a .4 loss on the scale.)

4:30 am 8 oz. lemon water

5 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

5:30-6:30 am Weight training at YMCA 32 oz. water, according to my HRM only 202 calories burned, but I know that muscle building will help with toning and fat burning in the long run.

Ok...I've had lemon water and 1 cup of coffee this morning. Then I worked out for an hour on the weights. I have no appetite. No cravings. I am eating my yogurt combo for breakfast bc I need to eat for nutrition, but carb cravings. At. All.

7:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 2 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. strawberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax

(TMI alert...but I'm posting anyway. So you know on the days when you eat a lot of carbs and the next morning you, uh, have a lot of waste to get rid of? Well, I am eating significantly less carbs and I am still going a lot in the morning. It makes me wonder if this is all junk that has been backed up in my colon.This is supposed to be a cleansing/accelerating cycle of the 17 Day Diet, so I'll be interested to see how much longer this lasts. Typically on a lower carb diet, a side effect is constipation. That's certainly not been the case for me so far.)

10 am individual container of breakstone cottage cheese

12 pm grilled chicken salad (grilled chicken, lettuce, sweet peppers, grilled onions, balsamic vinegrette, 20 oz. water

2 pm kiwi

3:30 pm coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

5:30 pm peanuts grilled chicken caesar salad at Texas Roadhouse (no croutons), water

7 pm 2 cups decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

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