Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dream Analysis

Last night, a giant badger appeared in my dream.

According to a dream analysis website, to see a badger in your dream, signifies your persistence and final victory over your opponents.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thought for the day...

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."
– Carl Jung

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Weight 168.8

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday: Cycle 1, Day 13

169 lbs.

I tried a new site To lose 1.83 pounds a week, I need to eat 1525 calories per day (913 calories deficit per day.) By this equation, I will weigh 163 pounds by Aug. 13. I'm not sure I love this site yet. I think I like My Fitness Pal better. Or Spark People. not sure which one I prefer. They all take a lot of work. ugh. I'm hoping that my lower carb approach will get me results more quickly, but we all see how that's working out for me! I'm still only down 5 pounds.

I want to be as close to 160 lbs. by the time we go to the ocean on Aug. 13. This is going to require a LOT of exercise, something I haven't done in over a week. :(

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday: Cycle 1: Day 12

168.8 pounds

Yesterday was a great one for me! I fell right back into 17 Day Diet eating habits, and definitely felt skinnier this morning when I woke up! Turns out, i did lose some weight since yesterday! :)

Today so far has been wonderful! I took Willie to the movies and ate red grapes, carrots, and water. Came home to make lunch with grilled chicken, sweet peppers, onions, and turkey bacon. I cannot begin to describe how delicious this combination tastes. Today I thought, "If I owned a restaurant, this would be on the menu!" haha

Tonight I have a tupperware party at Buff's house, and I'm so excited to see her and get away from this afternoon of grad work that looms ahead of me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday: Cycle 1 Day 11

170 lbs.

Picking up where I left off! Let's see how easily I can get back into good habits!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Advice from The Biggest Loser's Nutritionist

I believe that this weight loss plan works -- and it's based on an ambitious exercise regimen and the following basic recommendations:

1. Learn your body's calorie needs -- you must burn off more calories than you are taking in.
2. Don't skip meals; you must develop a regular eating schedule of three meals and two or three snacks per day.
3. Eat plenty fruit and vegetables.
4. Eat plenty of lean protein.
5. Eliminate the white stuff.
6. Choose whole grains.
7. Plan everything ahead: your meals, your snacks and your exercise. As Jillian Michaels once said, "If you don't plan ahead, you plan to fail."
8. EAT (don't drink) your calories, with the exception of milk.
9. Include exercise as part of your weight loss plan.
10. Prioritize your health and well-being. If you don't have your health, you can't take care of your loved ones.

And even on the show, it's not just the biggest losers who win.

If your calorie allowance is 2,000 per day, divide 2,000 by four -- 500 calories.
That means:
Breakfast = 500 calories
Lunch = 500 calories
Dinner = 500 calories
Two snacks = 500 calories (meaning 250 calories per snack)

You can choose to have your two 250-calorie snacks in the morning, afternoon or evening -- whatever works best for your schedule and energy levels.

So...for my current weight, I need to consume about 1600 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week by August 13. That would take me to a weight of 160 pounds (only 10 pounds from my goal weight.)

400 calories per three meals plus 200 calories for two snacks each.


169 pounds 1.6 lb gain since Saturday.

Considering that I did not watch what I ate yesterday. Or Saturday for that matter. Or Friday. I'm happy with only a 1.6 lb gain.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


168.4 pounds

Yesterday, I found an AMAZING website discussing The Fullness Factor (satiety indicator) to help with food choices. I'm going to explore it a bit more, but I was very much in agreement with many of the ideas presented in the background. I came across this website while searching low glycemic index information.

during my day trip to Washington, D.C., I would say that I mostly stuck to foods on the 17 Day Diet, but I also ate foods that were not on the 17 Day Diet. I didn't overindulge, I was a conscious eater, and I didn't crash.

Things that I ate:
9 am: 7 oz. greek plain yogurt with 1/2 serving of blueberries, 2 tbsp. low sugar
strawberry preserves, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax, green tea
1 pm: grilled chicken salad with balsamic/olive oil dressing, 20 oz. water
3 pm: shared a few bites of my mom's chocolate chip cookie
4 pm: 1 pack peanut m&ms and water
7 pm: 2 packs whole grain club crackers
salad with peppercorn parm on side
2 slices bread and butter
1 broiled crabcake
steamed vegetables
a few bites of roasted red potato
1/2 turtle cheesecake (I didn't like the taste of it, so I stopped myself)
coffee with cream and splenda

So...not eating enough during the day definitely had an impact on indulging during dinner.

Today I am off to Dutch Wonderland. I'm going to pack some healthy snacks in a backpack and drink plenty of water. There will be lots of walking today too, which is a bonus.

This week, I will be sitting a lot doing grad work, so I plan to exercise every morning. Possibly I will swim at the Y in the evenings too, just to add some activity to my days.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


167.4 pounds Lost 2 pounds from yesterday. I'm within 3 pounds of my goal weight for Thursday.

Yesterday at the movies, I gave into a psychological temptation and ate peanut M&Ms. And they were goooooood. (I chose peanut M&Ms because they have a lower glycemic index so I knew my blood sugar wouldn't spike. I guess that because of having peanuts balances out the sugar.)

I don't regret it at all. And for some reason, as I have in the past, I'm not going off the diet gangbusters like I typically do. I have every intention of following the 17 Day Diet through until Thursday. I've developed too many good habits over the last 10 days and seen too many positive results to give that up now!

Last night, I ate a Nature's Promise burger with cheese, onions, ketchup, and mustard on a white roll for dinner. Nothing else. No sides. It was filling and good. I could have substituted the white roll for a wheat roll (I have one in the freezer), but honestly I forgot to do that.

So as you can see, I ate things that were not on the 17 Day diet and I lost 2 pounds.

I'm completely confounded right now. But I'll take it!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Weight: 168.4

So glad to see the number going down again, especially after not giving into temptations at the restaurant and movies last night. I typically pig out (aka overindulge) during movies, so having nothing to munch on was a big thing for me.

Well, I'm in the home stretch. I'd love to see 163 pounds by Thursday...that would be 5 more pounds lost. Then I can move onto Cycle 2, which I haven't read up on entirely, but rumor has it that I go back and forth between carb/no carb days or high/low calorie days. I'll check into that today.

Last night...I considered ordering wine. I considered getting peanut M&Ms. Those were my two fantasy indulgences. In the end, I didn't act and the moment passed.

Remember...I WANT to Want to eat healthier. Though this is not the kind of food that I enjoy per se, that doesn't really matter, because the kind of food that I enjoy is unhealthy. Very unhealthy. So it's not surprising that this journey isn't that much fun.

Although, I must admit that the lunch I made yesterday was to die for! Sometimes I surprise even myself! Grilled chicken in greek vinagrette with grilled onion, sweet peppers, and bacon. Wow. Wow. Wow. So delicious and tasty! And I love my new breakfast choice (plain greek yogurt and fruit)!

One day at a time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Eat Clean Diet Principles

1. Eat more! Eat six small meals each day, spaced at 2 1/2 to 3-hour intervals.
*Six meals at regularly spaced intervals
*Smaller portion sizes
*Turns body into a calorie burning, fat-blasting machine
*Every meal is an event that fuels your metabolism and pushes you forward on the
path to your best health.
*Every meal is an opportunity to do something good for yourself both health-
and weight-wise.

2. Eat breakfast everyday, within an your of rising.
* As soon as you take your first bite of healthy breakfast, your body awakens and your metabolism starts making use of the energy it gets from food.
* Make the most of your morning workout by eating 30 minutes before you go and your second mini meal when you return. After a night of fasting, you will have a weaker workout if you don't provide fuel for your body.

3. Make your last meal three hours before bed.
* Learn to recognize true hunger: a growling stomach, irritability, inability to concentrate.
* Do your best to distinguish between real physical hunger and emotional hunger.
* Drink a tall glass of water before reaching for food. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger!
* Dinner is ususally the biggest meal of the day in North America, but it doesn't make sense to fill yourself up with energy that you won't have time to burn off after dinner.
Sidebar: I'm a little confused...this rule is to make your last meal three hours before bed, but then Tosca says she has her evening/sixth meal between 9 and 10 pm. Does this mean she doesn't go to bed until 1 am??

4. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
* When you choose high-grade foods as your fuel of preference (instead of high-fat, sugar-laden "anti" foods) you are rewarded with increased energy levels and a sense that you are doing right by your body.
* A combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal will slow down the carb-to-fat conversion in your body, keeping you satiated between meals.

PROTEIN- the lean bodybuilding food, 5 to 6 servings of protein each day (one with each meal), primarily found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetable, and grain sources

Allowable Protein Sources: egg whites, lean turkey, chicken and pork, beans and legumes (in moderation), lean fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, bison and other game meats, hummus (also a healthy fat), quinoa, spirulina, sea vegetables, protein powder, tofu, and tempeh.

Complex Carbohydrates-
Simple-white flour and sugar (known as sugars), break down easily, send blood-sugar levels out of control. AVOID SIMPLE CARBS except fruit!
Fruit contains fiber, which slows its digestion; fruit also contains vital nutrients and minerals.
Complex-high in fiber, improve digestion, provide energy, keeps you satiated between meals, stabilized blood-sugar levels. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are all complex carbs.

Starchy Complex carbs (2 servings per day): sweet potatoes, potatoes, radishes, beans and legumes (also a protein), oats, brown rice, bananas, carrots, parsnips, bulgar wheat, teff, and farro.

High-water Complex carbs (5-6 servings per day): apples, plums, berries, pears, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, beets, leeks, dark leafy greens, brussels sprouts, grreen beans, onions, sprouts, celery, watermelon, cherries, zucchini, fennel, oranges, limes, lemons, and garlic.

5. Eat sufficient healthy fats every day.
* Consuming only low-fat or fat-free products does not solve anyone's fat problem.
* Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats keep cells in a fat-burning or thermogenic state

Allowable fats include: flaxseed, nuts (almonds, walnuts), pumpkin seeds (in moderation), nut butters, hummus (also a protein), avocados, oils (flaxseed, coconut, olive, hazelnut, walnut, and fish).

6. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day.
* Water is second only to oxygen in the level of importance it has to the body.
* Roughly 75% of your body is water, the bulk of which is stored in the largest organ, your skin!
* Water regulates body temperature, keeps joints mobile, maintains tissue need water to survive.
* Your metabolic rate increases by 30% when you drink cold water.
* Drink water to prevent thirst.
* Signs of dehydration: irritability, headache, tiredness, hunger
* Drink 2 cups of water with every meal. Staying hydrated reduces food cravings and suppresses appetite.

7. Carry a cooler packed with clean foods everyday.
* You can never be sure about how food is prepared unless you take your own with you!
* Be prepared! If you work a 9 to 5 job, you'll eat your first clean meal at home and your next three meals out of the house! If you are prepared, you will be less likely to reach for an unhealthy choice.
* Make extra food with each meal so that you can easily tote leftovers in your cooler for the next day.

8. Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes.
* Allowable vegetables include: sweet and regular potatoes, radishes, carrots, parsnips, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, beets, leeks, leafy greens, Brussel sprouts, green beans, onions, sprouts, celery, zucchini, fennel, and garlic.
* Allowable fruits include: bananas, apples, plums, berries, watermelon, cherries, oranges, tomatoes, limes, and lemons.

9. Adhere to proper portion sizes.
* Use the palm of your hands to determine the proper amount of food for your body.
*Protein- measured by what fits in the palm of one hand
*Starch Complex Carbohydrates-measured by what fits into one cupped hand
*Carbs from Fruits and Vegetables- measured by what fits into two hands cupped together
*Healthy fats-measured by one scant handful of nuts or one to two tablespoons of healthy oil or nut butter

10. Eat only foods that have not been overly processed or doused in chemicals, saturated and trans fats, and/or toxins.
*Real foods are those found in nature, often have one ingredient, not altered in any way, nothing is added to make them taste better
*Anti foods-foods that have been altered or overly processed, contain added sugars, trans fats, or made with processed white grains and flours, cause insulin spikes, slows metabolism,
* It is common to feel hungry after eating "anti" foods because they don't contain enough nutrients to make your body feel satiated!
*The fewer ingredients on the label, the better. Foods with one ingredient are your top choice. If a food contains ingredients you can't pronounce, leave it on the shelf.

Thursday, Cycle 1, Day 10

Weight 169.4

Yesterday was a struggle. I was back to giving up on this diet and and giving into psychological cravings. U. G. H. I didn't. But I wanted to. I guess the most important thing is that I didn't.

Man, this constant struggle with food has a strong power over me. It runs deep.

Don't I want it to stop??

Can I stick with this for 7 more days?

I waver between perseverance and giving up the fight.

At 6 o'clock this morning, I was ready to switch to the Eat Clean Diet Stripped by Tosca Reno. (It has the same basic principles, it just allows whole grains, which of course means I can bake some comfort food. Thankfully, I know Buff can relate.)

As of right now at 9 o'clock, after writing a review of Tosca's Eat Clean Diet Stripped, I'm not quite ready to give up. 7 more days.

The truth is, my cravings are gone.
My hunger is gone.
I feel smaller and lighter.
I am eating healthier.
And aren't all of these things what I want when I am overweight?
Aren't all of these things what people long for when they feel out of control with eating?


Yes, I have only lost 5 pounds in one week. But I have lost 5 pounds! Some people would kill to lose 5 pounds.

Maybe I should stop taking these positive changes for granted for the sake of an indulgent choice that will provide pleasure for 5 minutes and regret for longer.

Ok. Pity party over for now.

I just read this article posted by a friend on Facebook and I do believe it to be true:

When Fatty Feasts are Driven by Automatic Pilot

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, Cycle 1, Day 9

Weight 170.6 Gained 1.6 pounds. Don't ask. I have no idea. Maybe I should stop getting on the scale every day...I've been feeling discouraged ever since the scale stopped going down. Yesterday, fantasies of carbs started seeping back in. I got through them, but they were back.

I could cut out the cream in my coffee...but coffee is getting me through this.
I could cut out the peanuts.
I could get back on a regular schedule with eating.
I could drink green tea with every meal.

We'll see how tomorrow goes on the scale. I'm in a workshop all day today, so it will help me with getting all of my water and tea.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday: Cycle 1, Day 8

Weight 169 lb. So officially, I began this journey last Tuesday. In one week, I lost 5 pounds.

5 am 8 oz. lemon water

6 am Weight training 32 oz. water

7 am 8 oz. Chiobani yogurt, 1 packet purevia, 1/2 serving blueberries, 1 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 1 tbsp. flax

10 am peanuts, red grapes, carrot sticks, 20 oz. water at the free movie.

12 pm Swimming lesson with Miss Micelle

1:00 pm grilled chicken salad

2:20 pm Allergy/Asthma appointment in York, PA

3:30 pm peanuts

4:30 pm decaf coffee with purevia and 1 tbsp. half/half

6 pm chicken, green beans, 2 deviled eggs

8 pm decaf coffee with purevia and 1 tbsp. half/half

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday: Cycle 1, Day 7

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
– Aristotle

168.8 lbs. No weight gained or lost

4:30 am 8 oz. lemon water

5 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

5:30-6:00 am Swimming

7:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 2 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. blueberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax, green tea

10 am egg whites and two deviled eggs (eggs, mayo, mustard, vinegar)

12 pm grilled chicken salad (grilled chicken, lettuce, sweet peppers, grilled onions, tomatoes, green peppers, Newman's Own Caesar dressing, 20 oz. water, green tea

TMI alert: Boy! I was upstairs making Willie's bed when all of the sudden, my insides felt like they were going to explode! for the next hour or so, I had horrible diarhhea. It really cleaned me out!

1:45 pm red grapes

3-3:30 pm I was so tired, I took a cat nap on the couch.

3:30 pm coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

5:30 pm I was afraid to eat dinner after my bathroom issues this afternoon, so I didn't eat anything of substance. I ate one individual container of liveactive cottage cheese and 1 whole (deviled) egg

7 pm 2 cups decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half each

8 pm Hungry...I just went for the eggs again, bc I certainly didn't feel like having vegetables or chicken at bedtime, so I opted for 2 whole deviled eggs

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday: Cycle 1, Day 6

"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action."
– Benjamin Disraeli

Weight 168.8 (Lost another LB!)

6 am 8 oz. lemon water

6:30 am 2 cups coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp half/half each

7 am Treadmill 15 min@ 3.5 mph, 20 min. @ 5.0 mph (Interval workout with longer period of easy running)

8:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 2 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 6 oz. strawberries (needed to finish them up), 1 packet purevia, 2 tbsp. flax (needed to finish it up)

(TMI alert...My time (of the month) arrived yesterday. Usually comes on a Tuesday but not sure if it was supposed to be last Tues or next Tues...I'll be interested to see how it compares to previous cycles when I'm not practicing controlled eating. So far I had NO cramps and no acne flare-ups last week. My mood has been more stable. I've been more patient. I did however have major "chest" tenderness and water retention leading up to the beginning of my diet and that lasted all week.)

12:15 pm couple handfuls of peanuts to tide me over while we finished grocery shopping at giant

1:30 pm salad (lettuce, sweet peppers, tomatoes, balsamic vinaigrette, 20 oz. water) shrimp salad

3 pm Cleaned up flower beds and mowed grass...Sweaty, tired, thirsty, done! Chugged lots of water.

4:30 pm 2 cups coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half each

7 pm taco salad (taco meat, lettuce, shredded cheese, chiobani plain yogurt as substitute for sour cream), 20 oz. water I couldn't finish it. I wasn't even hungry, but knew I had to eat. it was ok...I didn't put any dressing on it...just mixed in the yogurt.

8 pm 1 cup coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half each

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday: Cycle 1, Day 5

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight." – Helen Keller

169.8 pounds It's been 5 days and I've lost 4.2 pounds so far. *Happy Dance*

I am happy to announce that I'm totally over my suffering phase. Going to mom and dad's for her birthday party tonight, which may prove challenging. I've already prepped my parents that I'm not going to eat any BBQ ribs from Corner Stable in Timonium, just a salad and water. I know that if I indulge, I will have to go through my suffering phase again, and it's just not worth it to me on Day 5!

6 am 8 oz. lemon water

6:30 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

8-8:35 am Treadmill Interval workout 15 min @ 3.5 mph, 20 min @ 5.5 mph
2.710 miles, HRM = 374 calories burned, 64.8 carbs burned
20 oz. water

I Feel Great!! Sweating profusely but able to push myself to go further! Woot!

9:00 am Like my friend Buff, I want to make smoothies but I never have! So here's my first attempt at a homemade smoothie! 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 1 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. strawberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax, and ice made in my new MAGIC BULLET!! YAY!

1:30 pm Dry Roasted Peanuts (I didn't plan my outing well and I wouldn't say I was hungry at all, but I could feel that I had gone too long without eating. so I bought a jar of peanuts before I left the store and snacked on a handful or two on the drive home. Then my fruit alarm went off as I headed home, so I knew I had to get my fruit with the next half hour.)

2 pm Since I skipped my morning snack, I decided to have another smoothie for lunch. I needed another pro biotic food and serving of fruit. (I was going to get another grilled chicken salad from Amores, but decided that I'd just push it off until tomorrow's lunch after church.

So I made a blueberry/pear smoothie with 8 oz. Chiobani plain yogurt, 1 packet Stevia, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 pear, and ice

5:00 pm steamed shrimp salad, shrimp salad, capful of Olive Garden italian dressing, 2 pieces rib meat (very lightly bbqed), water
I felt completely satisfied and full! I easily skipped the homemade potato salad, breadsticks, appetizers, sandwiches, etc. Didn't even give them a second thought! No sweat!

7 pm Cake sister made a homemade, from scratch chocolate cake with homemade icing and chocolate chip cake bars. Both looked delectable. Incredible. I took small serving of my fruit salad and 1/2 piece of cake....

I only ate the fruit salad! It was a little hard to resist, but it was almost like I feared taking one bite of it. Now, on this 17 Day diet, I'm not supposed to have fruit after 2 pm, so I did allow myself an indulgence of having fruit at 7 pm, but I didn't experience a sugar crash or a need to have a second helping. So yay!

9 pm 2 cups decaf coffee with 1 packet stevia and 1 tbsp organic half/half each

Onward and upward!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Yesterday was easier...

Friday: Cycle 1, Day 4

171 pounds (I actually feel skinnier today and was surprised to only have a .4 loss on the scale.)

4:30 am 8 oz. lemon water

5 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

5:30-6:30 am Weight training at YMCA 32 oz. water, according to my HRM only 202 calories burned, but I know that muscle building will help with toning and fat burning in the long run.

Ok...I've had lemon water and 1 cup of coffee this morning. Then I worked out for an hour on the weights. I have no appetite. No cravings. I am eating my yogurt combo for breakfast bc I need to eat for nutrition, but carb cravings. At. All.

7:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 2 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. strawberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax

(TMI alert...but I'm posting anyway. So you know on the days when you eat a lot of carbs and the next morning you, uh, have a lot of waste to get rid of? Well, I am eating significantly less carbs and I am still going a lot in the morning. It makes me wonder if this is all junk that has been backed up in my colon.This is supposed to be a cleansing/accelerating cycle of the 17 Day Diet, so I'll be interested to see how much longer this lasts. Typically on a lower carb diet, a side effect is constipation. That's certainly not been the case for me so far.)

10 am individual container of breakstone cottage cheese

12 pm grilled chicken salad (grilled chicken, lettuce, sweet peppers, grilled onions, balsamic vinegrette, 20 oz. water

2 pm kiwi

3:30 pm coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

5:30 pm peanuts grilled chicken caesar salad at Texas Roadhouse (no croutons), water

7 pm 2 cups decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Yesterday was a hard one for me. Well, technically, the witching hour was yesterday afternoon from 3 pm until 6 pm.

In my mind, I gave up this new diet about 10 times. Thankfully I didn't act on my desires.

I am praying for my mindset to change.

But I am suffering.

I have developed soooo many indulgent habits this summer, which is why I'm 8 pounds heavier than when school ended. Bowls of ice cream before bed, glasses of red wine at night, sleeping in and skipping exercise, eating out all of the time, popcorn and candy at the movies. It's truly psychotic when I actually think about it.

But because of how much I enjoyed these indulgent habits, there is a HUGE part of me that I'm fighting with right now. And it comes down to the fact that I'm feeling resentful and deprived when I have to give something up.

Which is why I reeeaaalllyy need a change in my mindset. I've talked this over with Eric...I WANT to WANT to be a healthy eater. I WANT to WANT to choose healthy, whole foods over sweet, emotionally satisfying foods.

Susan: Hi. My name is Susan, and I'm a carb addict. I've been clean and sober for two days now.
Fellow carb addicts' response: Hi Susan. Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
(Haha...please excuse my 12-step meeting reference.)

One day at a time...

Discipline is remembering what you want. ~ Unknown

Thursday: Cycle 1, Day 3

171.4 pounds

4 am lemon water

5 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

5:30 am 34 minutes on treadmill 14 min. @ 3.5 mph, 10 min @ 5.0 mph, 10 min. @ 6.0 mph (34 minutes, 2.653 miles, 397 calories, 64.8 carbs)
this was a hard workout for me...but I feel GREAT that I finished it and pushed myself. My heart rate continues to be elevated even after I am finished. WooT!

6:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 1 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. strawberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax

10 am individual container of breakstone cottage cheese, 10 carrot sticks

12 pm veggie salad (spinach, lettuce, sweet peppers, cucumber, onion, tomato) olive oil and vinegar, 8 oz. red grapes (With my friend, Buff, in mind, I skipped the pseudo chicken and asked for extra sweet peppers! Delishhhhhhhhh)

2 pm mixed nuts...and just a few!

4:30 pm decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half

6 pm grilled chicken in greek vinegrette on salad (So yummy. I just reheated the marinated chicken from last night and threw it on top of a salad of mixed greens, spinach, cucs, green peppers, and red onions. I dressed my salad with some of the leftover marinade. Soooo good.)

7 pm 1 cup decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half (Honestly...the coffee is getting me through this diet. It takes away psychological cravings. I'm not having any hunger cravings on this 17 Day Diet...only psychological cravings.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday: Cycle 1, day 2

172.2 pounds

4:15 am lemon water

5 am coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half and half

5:30 am 20 minutes of leg toning exercises on floor (side leg lifts, inner thigh lifts, butt lifts, sit ups)

7:00 am 8 oz. chiobani plain greek yogurt, 2 tbsp. strawberry preserves, 4 oz. fresh strawberries, 1 packet purevia, 1 tbsp. flax (Yum!!! and this took me forever to eat so it was very filling!)

10 am individual container of Breakstone livactive cottage cheese, 10 carrot sticks

12 pm grilled chicken salad from Subway (spinach, lettuce, sweet peppers, cucumber, onion, tomato, chicken) olive oil and vinegar, 8 oz. red grapes (Very delicious except for the wasn't really chicken and I should forgo it next time. My friend Buff would have puked. Oh, and I love, love, love sweet peppers. Finally figured out (thanks to my friend Becky) where to get them in the supermarket.)

2 pm mixed nuts (Nuts are certainly not allowed on the 17 day diet I'm sure, but they are natural, low carb, and get me through the day.

5 pm more mixed nuts, sugar free jello
(Same goes for jello..not a part of the 17 day diet, not natural but a touch of sweetness helps me to manage this diet. It was allowed on Atkins when I tried that, so some of what I'm allowing myself to eat comes from my Atkins low carb days.)

6 pm grilled chicken in greek vinegrette, steamed vegetables (Yummo to the chicken! Nature's promise chicken from Giant cooked in 1 bottle of Newman's Own Greek Vinegrette. Delish!)

7 pm 2 cups decaf coffee with 1 packet purevia and 1 tbsp. organic half/half each (Again, cream is not allowed on 17 day diet, but...I'm allowing myself to have it. 1 carb per tablespoon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

17 Day Diet Trial

Tuesday: Cycle One, Day One

Starting weight 174 pounds

4:15 am 8 oz. water with 1/2 lemon

5 am 8 oz. coffee, 1 tsp. sun crystals, 1 tbsp. half and half

5:30 am 30 minutes swim

7:00 am 2 scrambled eggs, red pear, green tea

10:00 am Breakstone Cottage cheese, green tea

12 pm Grilled chicken on greens, red grapes, mixed nuts

3 pm mixed nuts, lime jello

6 pm 4 oz. chicken, steamed broccoli, red peppers, cauliflower

8 pm 12 oz. decaf coffee with 2 packets Purevia and 2 tbsp. coffee