Friday, January 23, 2009

Doldrums of winter

This week has been a hard one. A week of deep thoughts, sad thoughts, pushing my limits, dealing with some stress at name it, it probably happened this week.

Some good things about this week:
I got up TWICE at 5 am and met my friend Becky at the Y to go swimming. Tuesday and Thursday.
I went to Curves TWICE this week. Tuesday and Thursday.
No exercise on Monday and Wednesday....I'm going to break that trend this afternoon with some time on the elliptical or bike.
Today is the first weigh-in for Mustang Meltdown.
My niece is finally feeling better after a miserable week of sickness. (She had a temperature of 105.8!!! How is that possible???)
My son has stopped crying when he wakes up from naps at Miss Debbie's.
My mom is mentally in a better place since my niece has turned a corner.
I am going to spend some time with my sister and her family tonight.
Despite lots of long meetings this week, I love working with my team at school.
I found out details about Serena Lambert's fundraiser on Feb. 7th.
I ate Chinese last night.
I enjoyed watching the inaugeration ceremony and celebration on Tuesday.

Some bad things about this week:
No exercise on Monday and Wednesday.
Some tears about Serena Lambert and her fight with cancer.
Frustration over some things that arose in my long meetings.
Frustration over my BAD eating habits.
My said she has a chronic, underlying condition that is attacking her immune system...What?!?!?!?!?
My sister-in-law's mother-she is recovering from a mini-stroke and they're trying to find out some answers about her health.
My sister-in-law---I worry about her. She has had so much to deal with over the last year, and I fear that she's at her breaking point. I wish she would reach out for help when I offer it!
I miss my family in Louisiana.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ah, the weekend is here. In my opinion, there's nothing like a Friday's my favorite night of the week! It holds such promise of the days off...what will we do? what will we enjoy? who will we see? how late will we sleep in? I just LOVE it!

I haven't been blogging for awhile because I've been wrapped up on the second book of the Twilight series...New Moon. Phenomenol. So Phenomenol in fact that reading it upset my world.
I couldn't sleep, I didn't exercise, I didn't eat right, I didn't do the things that keep my world running smoothly (including quality time with my husband and son). It took my focus off of everything important and signficant in my life. That's never a good thing. When I finished on Tuesday night, I felt like I mentally needed a break from these characters. That's how intense this experience is!

Just as I did with the first book, Twilight, I'm going to reread New Moon before going onto the third book (which Jess so graciously dropped off to me in my office on Friday...along with the fourth book too...thanks, Jess!) Anyway, I'm going to reread New Moon at a much, MUCH slower pace so that I can pick up on the details that I missed when rushing through it the first time.

I've decided that I need to post a checklist on my fridge of ALL the things that I need/want to do in the evenings in order for my mornings to run smoothly. I am sick of rushing out the door in the morning...late....and then rushing to get to work on time. So for this second half of January, I'm going to try using a checklist.

Up to this point, I have been on the treadmill (new year's resolution) for 12 out of 16 days. I'd like to see if I can get on daily for the remaining days of January. I think I'm going to revise my exercise goal to be exercise (not specifically treadmill) for 60% of February. Each month I will increase my accountability for exercise. Today I'm going to try to go the Y to use the elliptical machine and go swimming. My first indoor triathlon is coming up, so I need to get into training mode: swimming, biking, and running.

Money has been very tight "how in the hell am I going to pay all of our bills" tight, so I'm looking forward to some money that is headed our way. Will is selling his Honda Magna to his brother, Jeff, we have some inheritance money coming our way, and then of course tax refund. It will be enough to pay off some of our credit card debt. Plus I'm trying to refinance our house and roll in our equity loan, but that's been a long process as well. The rates are great right now, so I hope I don't miss my window of opportunity.

This washer and dryer being delivered (my current ones are breaking down on me...a special SHOUT OUT to my hubby and Lowe's credit for getting me two new ones!), possible visit from an old friend, visit with my parents, creating my organized checklist, planning meals for the week, shredding junk mail/receipts, working out at the Y, cleaning the house, laundry, naps, church. Weekends might not be for rest, but at least I can get a lot done!

Side note: my son has discovered how to make the L sound. But it's so funny, because he exaggerates every L sound in his words to make it clear. Example. There's a over there. I want to play with my L....ightsaber. Which L....ight should I turn off...That L...ight, that L...ight, or that L...ight? Hilarious.

He's also becoming known as Random Thought Willie. He has such a great memory, and at the most bizarre times, he recalls these memories to share with us. Now this morning, it was a little different. His waking comment was "Mommy? That was fun when we played the games at our new house." I said, "Oh, we're getting a new house?" He said, "Uh huh."

Won't that be fun if it comes true?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stay tuned

I'm currently obsessed with the second book in the Twilight trilogy, so no time to blog. Must read. I got it yesterday afternoon and I'm on page 288. I'll be back as soon as I finish...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sniff Sniff

The alarm went off this morning, and I hit the snooze about 5 times...again.

Zero motivation to get out of bed this morning.

That's what I get for being off 12 days for Christmas vacation, returning to work for three days, being off again for 4 days, and now returning to work. What does that give me?

Zero motivation.

On top of that, I've got the sniffles. I went to bed with the worst stomach ache, popped two advil, and just couldn't fall into a deep sleep. I feel like I tossed and turned all night.

I'd like to thank my son for his contributions to my present state of health.

Well, I stayed in bed a bit longer than usual, because I decided I could just pull my hair back into a ponytail. But once I got up and saw the mess that was my hair, I knew I couldn't skip the shower. Ughh. As I was in the shower, my son came strolling into the bathroom at 6:10 am ready for the day to begin! Double ughh.

After all was said and done, I was 10 minutes late to Debbie's and walked in with the students arriving to school.

There is a meeting this afternoon about a Biggest Loser competition that my school district is sponsoring. I'm definitely going to go. If this nasal drip/stuffy nose/no taste buds keeps up, this week may just be the thing I need to get me back on the right track! Fingers crossed!

Achoo! Sigh.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sniffle Sniffle Cough Cough

So yesterday I spent the day home with Willie again. It was kind of a rough day, because the night before we didn't sleep much. It seemed like Willie's cough would only stop for 5 minutes at a time. We were all miserable when it was time to get up in the morning. Willie's eyes were purple from lack of sleep, fever, cough, sore throat...

I called to schedule a doctor's appointment. Come hell or high water, they were seeing us today! It turns out that Willie has a double ear infection, but no strep and his lungs were clear. Good news there! So I picked up the antibiotic and we got him started on that.

Our nap this afternoon was ok...Willie could sleep for an hour at a time before having a coughing spell. We stayed in bed for 2 1/2 hours.

When Will got home, I left to go to Curves for my strength-resistance workout. 413 calories. After I came home, I got on the treadmill for 15 minutes to burn another 100 calories.

Then I sat down and enjoyed my Papa John's pepperoni pizza. Yummm.

Today (Saturday) looks like much of the same. We were able to sleep until 8 am. I've been hanging out in my pj's all morning. I paid our bills online and got stressed. I've eaten the equivalent of two breakfasts. I've watched Transformers. Willie's running around like a nut! (He must be feeling better.) I've got a nice steady nasal drip down the back of my throat. This afternoon, I plan to go swimming at the Y. Then a brief treadmill workout to burn about 250 calories.

My eating has not been very good. When I'm stuck at home for long periods of time, I tend to snack. Now...we don't have terrible snacks in the closert (other than some cookies I shouldn't have bought that are nearly gone now) but I just keep snacking and snacking on anything!

If I end up getting sick, I'm sure that will help to get me back on the right track. If not then I'll have rely on routine and willpower.

I think now I'll head out to play in the 3 to 6 inches of snow that was forecasted for our area last ...Hold the phone...any guesses on how much snow we got? That's right! Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well, whatdya know!

Remember how I mentioned that I love any and all surprise days off of work? Surprise! I got one today.

And no, it wasn't due to ice of any kind.

My son spiked a fever last night...just as I feared he would. I mean, we were with my family last weekend at Owen's birthday party, and about five of them are currently sick with something, so I figured it was just a matter of time.

Last night, his time came.

I called the doctor this morning and was told to wait a few days to see if the fever lasted. If it lasted more than three days, then I should come in to have him seen by the doctor. In the meantime, treat him with ibuprofen and tylenol. Basically she told me that the fever is just a sign that his body is fighting off a virus.

I know that. But....shouldn't they check out his ears? his throat? his lungs? Anything??? And if those are all clear, I'd be happy to give them my $15 copay as they tell me that I'll just need to wait out the virus.

Doctors. Go figure.

So we wait.

In the meantime, I've been on hold with the mortgage company for 2 hours and 50 minutes. Yep, I'm in for the long haul. I fear that I may use up my monthly minutes with this ONE PHONE CALL. I'm determined though, because I actually got through this time. When I tried to call last week, the automated service cut me off and didn't even allow me to wait.

All lines are busy. Call back later. Click.

What???? Did you just hang up on me? Oh no you didn't!!

So I called back again. Entered my account number and social security number about 8 times... AGAIN... in addition to pressing 1 over and over and over and OVER to tell the system that I was interested in refinancing.

Isn't that what 1 meant the first time I pressed it?

All lines are busy. Call back later. Click.

So on Sunday night, I logged into my account on their website, submitted a request to be contacted by a representative about refinancing our mortgage, and was told that someone would be contacting me within one business day.

One business day! Woo Hoo!

It is now Thursday. I have not been contacted by their representative. And I've been on hold for nearly 3 hours trying to get someone to talk to me.

I see it coming any moment...

Thank you for your call. We are experiencing an extremely high volume of calls right now. You will be on hold for an eternity. If you were smart, you would call another mortgage company. After all, we were just bought out by another bank, so really...shouldn't you invest your money elsewhere? We're going to do you a favor and hang up on you now. Get on with your life and have a nice day. Click.

Ok, I'm going to do it now....never mind. My 3 year old just hung it up for me.

3 hours of my life....gone with one push of a button.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Where is my 2 hour delay???

Ok, for the fifth time this season, the area where I live has been forecasted to have significant ice accumulation, snow, sleet, and freezing rain, treacherous travel, etc.

For the fifth time this season, I've woken from a restful yet eager slumber, no, no...CONVINCED that school would be delayed.

I've got friends at school doing snow dances, wearing special snow clothing, praying for the blessed white stuff to fall from the sky. And what have we gotten?


And how many times have we been delayed this winter?


So now how much confidence do I have in our weather forecasters?


(Excuse me while I read the opening lines to Return of the Jedi for my son.....)

Anywho, I am someone who Loves snow delays and snow days. Of course, once June rolls around, I'm READY for the summer break, but during the dead of winter, I'm up for any and all surprise days off of school.

I decided this morning, as I got up to check for my delay on the tv, that if we were delayed today, I would do my treadmill workout in the morning. We weren't delayed, so my plans to workout after school today remained.

I sat in a chair all day in a professional training about Learning Focused Schools. Tomorrow-same thing. No movement. No physical activity. Lots of brain stimulation (even if it was joking around with my friends, which of course, is the best kind of brain stimulation.) By the end of the day, everyone was brain dead, so the instructor let us out early.

Hallelujah! And guess where I went?

Hint: It's fun to stay there. You can get your stuff free. You can have good meal. You can do whatever you feel.

So I got my two week membership and upgraded to the women's health center, which means a private workout room, lockers, shower, etc. A nice benefit so I'm not in the regular locker room with a too small towel wrapped around me (of course showing off some part of my unmentionables) while some random student runs up to me saying, "Hi, Mrs. Mace!!!" and then follows me around until I leave.

No. Thank. You.

While in the women's health center, I tried something new! The Elliptical machine! I actually liked it a lot, burned a ton of calories in 30 minutes, but fear that I will be hurting tomorrow.
30 min=340 calories

I was going to go swimming, but there were only two lap lanes open. So I did my treadmill instead.
30 min=200 calories

Tomorrow there are 4 lap lanes open, so I'm going to get my swimming in. I figure I can do Barry's Bootcamp for upper body tomorrow morning and then swim in the afternoon.

Calories today? I'm sure too many. I was sitting in a long training all day where the only entertainment/pleasure involved eating. The morning snack provided to us was bagels, cream cheese, and fruit. Yes, Yes, and Yes. Then they provided lunch for us-soup, turkey and bacon wrap, bbq potato chips, and cookies. Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes (times 3).

Dinner was a Lean Cuisine BBQ chicken pizza and coffee.
Breakfast (before the additional bagel and fruit and x-large coffee from Dunkin Donuts) was reduced sugar apples and cinnamon oatmeal and 2 pieces of WW toast with spray butter and jam.

Water consumption today? Minimal. But I drank a helluva lot of coffee. Does that count?? I mean, it's basically flavored water. I'll try to do better tomorrow. I don't think that my calorie intake will be better, but I'll get my workouts in and try to drink more non-coffee flavored water.

BTW-I missed the first episode of The Biggest Loser last night. Arghh. A big shout out to my girl Mendy (Holler!) for texting me that it was on. Unfortunately, my better half heard the text come through on my phone, checked to see what it said, and then forgot to relay the message...until 6:30 this morning.
I think it's time I had a little talk with my secretary...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well, this morning began as I was snuggled in my bed, while visions of sleeping longer danced in my head.

Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze.
(that's how many times I hit the Snooze button on my clock.)

My plan this morning was to get up at 4:30 am, get dressed, drive to the Y, sign up for my two week Free membership, swim for 30 min, shower, and come home by 6 am.

Just thinking about that exhausts me.

So I ditched the swim workout but got up to do Barry's Bootcamp dvd-lower body.

It kicked my arse.

20 minute interval workout with strength/aerobic intervals = a ton of sweat, and I'm hoping a ton of calories. (Later found out via a web tool that my 20 min workout= 230 cal.) It felt like more of a workout than Curves. Perhaps I should just quit Curves and use Barry's Bootcamp. It would save me $34 a month.

I started the day feeling hungry. I made it to my first cup of coffee, which helped.

So just to recap my morning (for all of you mothers out there): got up early for some "me" time, worked out, got a shower, make-up and hair, gave my son and husband a wake-up warning, got dressed, urged my son out of bed, he went to the potty as I got his clothes ready, dressed Willie, finished getting dressed, made half of the bed, turned off the lights upstairs, got Willie's breakfast, got Willie's vitamins, made a cup of coffee, sat down for a little Facebook time, packed my lunch, got Willie's coat on, got my coat on, lugged all of my stuff out to the garage, got Willie into his seat, drove to Debbie's, dropped him off, drove to school.

Get the picture?

My husband's morning: slept until 6:10 when my wife woke me for work, pulled out my clothes, made half the bed, used the bathroom, fixed a cup of coffee for myself, fixed a cup of chocolate milk for Willie, snapped at my wife for being in my way as I was trying to decide what to take to lunch, ate powdered donuts out of the box on the counter, finished getting dressed, up to the bathroom again, kissed my wife and son good-bye, grabbed by lunch, phone, and keys, and headed to the garage to smoke before leaving for work.

For one week...I'd like to be my husband. For one week.

And he knows this.

His response to my request? You'd have to work all of the overtime that I do.

Humph. I am woman. My life is overtime. Give me our overtime and I'll give you mine. At least you get paid for yours!

Oh, to be a woman and a mother. To have the strength, organization, and fortitude to take care of my family. To be the one whom everyone looks to to keep life running smoothly. How many of my Sisters can relate? Let me hear an AMEN!!

Ok, enough of my rant. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. I think it may have something to do with the songs I was listening to on the drive to work.

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one!

Charges me up every time. It reminds me of

Oh Mickey, you're so fine!
You're so fine you blow my mind!
Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!

Well, they're calling for a winter storm today. So my afternoon workout is going to be Teddy, my treadmill.

Yes, I've decided on Teddy. I figure it can work both ways for me. Teddy is the name of a bear that children like to cuddle. So on positive, energized days, I can affectionately spend some time with Teddy. Teddy was also the name of a famous serial killer (think Bundy) for those bad days when I'm loathing the workout. See how that works?

Monday, January 5, 2009


That's what time I began my day today. When the alarm first went off, I immediately set it ahead for another hour. In that effort, I woke myself up enough to contemplate getting on the treadmill for about 10 minutes and then actually climbing out of bed.


So my morning began with my 30 minutes as planned on the treadmill. I decided to go with an interval plan that I found in my Fitness mag (and developed by Jillian from The Biggest Loser!)

I just adapted it a little to get my 30 minutes/at least 200 calories burned.

4 min. at 3.0

30 sec at 5.5

1.5 min at 3.5

30 sec. at 5.8

1.5 min at 3.5

30 sec. at 6.0

30 sec. at 3.5

30 sec. at 5.5

1.5 min. at 3.5

30 sec. at 5.8

1.5 min at 3.5

30 sec at 6.0

30 sec at 3.5

30 sec. at 5.5

30 sec. at 3.5

30 sec at 5.8

30 sec at 3.5

30 sec at 6.0

30 sec at 3.5

30 sec at 5.5

30 sec at 3.5

30 sec at 5.8

30 sec at 3.5

1 min at 6.0

5 min at 3.5

5 min at 3.0

264 calories burned.

Have you noticed anything missing from my meals?







Fruits other than apples?


Do I drink too much coffee?


I am a self-professed picky eater. Give me food that is bad for me and I'll eat it every time. Give me food that is healthy and good for my body as fuel and I turn up my nose. Whenever I see new recipes in magazines, every single one of them sounds bad to me unless it involves the word pizza in the title. And yesterday I even passed over one of those!

So what's a picky eater to do? Eat the same things every day. Stick to what I like. Control calories. Work out like a fiend. Today I packed a low carb breakfast and vegetable soup for lunch. I guess that's one way to get my veggies!

Coffee w/ sugar free creamer and splenda (3 tbsp.) 1 point
Advantage low carb breakfast shake 3 points
20 oz water

String cheese 1 pt.

1 can Progresso Light Chicken and Rotini soup 1 point
1 WW yogurt 1 point
1 apple 1 point
20 oz water

Jello Sugar Free pudding 1 point
2 Bacon and Cheese mini Quiche 2 points
1 oz Ruffles light 1 point

1 cup spaghetti 4 points
1/2 cup sauce 2 points
2 meatballs 2 points
1/8 cup cheese 1 point
2 slices cheese bread 7 points
Diet Pepsi


Coffee with 3 tbsp sugar free creamer 1 pt

Curves workout afterschool

30 min=408 cal burned

I went over my points by 3 (Darn that second piece of cheese bread!) but I got two workouts in today. I track my calories on a website called The Daily Plate and according to that site, a moderately active female who weighs 170 pounds should eat 1,622 calories a day to lose 2 pounds per week. When I enter my food for today and my workouts, it says that I can consume an additional 948calories today. Hmmmm.

Not gonna...but it would be fun (and yummy!).

So with that bit of information, I don't feel too bad about going over points today. I figure I need to eat a bit more if I'm working out twice in one day.

BTW- I was PLEASANTLY surprised this morning when I stepped on the scale and it still read 170. That's where my weight has been stuck for 6 months. But as I stepped onto the scale, I was seriously expecting it to say 175 pounds (after my holiday..uh..indulgences). So I was pleased that I had a reasonable, expected, familiar starting point. Once I lose these pounds, I don't ever want to have to lose them again!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

And so it ends...

I figured since I'm headed back to work tomorrow, I should keep busy today to keep my mind off of the upcoming stress of work. I needed to have a productive day.

Boy did I ever!

I awoke at 6:45 and came right downstairs. By 7:30, I was tackling the tree. I worked ALL DAY on this house, and as I look around now, it was well worth my effort. I even have a load to donate to charity....I've cleaned house!

I figure being active all day was sure to burn a ton of calories. And as exhausted as I feel, I think I did. I wasn't too too careful about my eating today, but I did resist some temptations. Like calling my husband to bring me Taco Bell for lunch. (I didn't). Or ordering a Papa John's Tuscan Six Cheese pizza with parmesean garlic breadsticks for dinner. (I didn't).

I did have a few pieces of Dove milk chocolate. And they were good...

As my new year's resolution stated...50% of January on treadmill. (My personal goal-daily on treadmill.) I MADE myself get on today despite my best attempts to talk myself out of it. (I'm pretty good at that.)

You don't have to get on today.
You've been working so hard.
You did only make your goal 50% of January.
You're tired. Feel that pain in your shoulders?
Doing anything extra today will strain your body too much. Blah Blah Blah.


I got on for 20 minutes and burned 106 calories that I otherwise wouldn't have!

Let's see if I can remember today's menu...

Coffee with fixins'
3 Nutrigrain blueberry waffles
1/4 cup Sugarfree maple syrup

5 Fruit Loop breakfast sticks (Thanks to Mendy for telling me how good they are.)

Turkey sandwich (2 oz turkey, mustard, WW roll)
1 oz. Ruffles Light chips
WW yogurt

Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar
5 pieces Dove milk chocolate promises

Lean Pocket Chicken Parmesean
1 piece garlic cheese bread

Coffee with fixins
1 Betty Crocker chocolate cake mini bowl (worth every one of its 150 calories)

Lots of cravings for chocolate today...perhaps I'm PMSing.

Tomorrow's plan: 30 minutes on treadmill, 30 minutes at Curves. Then I've got to go sign up for my free 2-week membership at the Y so I can go swimming Tuesday morning. I'm going to get up at 5 am tomorrow so that I have enough time to work out, get a shower, fix lunch, and get the little one ready for his day at Debbie's.

Well, Christmas's been fun. See you again next year!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3...Done.

I had a nice, relaxing morning waiting for Will to wake up from his long slumber. Finally at 9:30ish, he came downstairs. That was my cue! I got dressed and headed to Curves.

30 minutes=413 calories

Then I went shopping for necessary groceries. My goal was to stick to my list. I also wrote down prices of common items that I buy to help me with budgeting my weekly expenses. Well, on the first trip around, I put a few extra things into my cart and my total was approaching $60. So I examined my cart, and put some items back (WW cheese slices, WW cream cheese, Skinny Cow chocolate milk, Baked Lays, WW bagels, SF Coffeemate Creamer) My total was less than $50. Woo Hoo! I was very proud of myself.

After unpacking at home, Will headed out to clean my car for me. I did an additional 30 minutes on the treadmill while Willie ate his lunch.

30 minutes at 3.5 mph = 204 calories

Then lunch for me.

After a failed attempt to get Willie to nap, I grabbed a nice, long shower and got myself ready for Owen's birthday party. I gave Willie a bath, hoping that it would relax him for the long drive to Owings Mills, MD. Worked like a charm! He fell asleep in the car in the first 10 minutes and slept the whole time! The party was at a place called Jump Zone. It had lots of inflatable playgrounds for the kids to enjoy. We had a great time!

Now home to rest and enjoy my cup of coffee for the evening.

2 cups coffee (8 Splenda, 2 tbsp creamer)
Quaker Reduced Sugar Apples and Cinnamon instant oatmeal
2 tbsp. Naturally More peanut butter
20 oz water

WW bread (2 slices) (1)
2 oz. Sara Lee honey turkey (1)
mustard (0)
1 oz Baked Lays (1)
WW yogurt (1)

apple (1)

Dinner at Owen's birthday party
1 slice Dominos pepperoni pizza
1 brownie
1 snack size peppermint patty

1 cup of coffee with 4 Splenda and 1 tbsp. creamer
2 slices WW bread with spray butter and jam (2)
1 oz. peanuts

Not the best dinner /dessert choice, but I'm ok with it. I feel like I didn't go overboard and showed myself that I could stop. I did resist the homemade cupcake though. Yay me!
Day 2.

I woke up to reunite with my favorite part of the Yum.

60+ minutes on the Treadmill (Hmmm...I should name it.....then it would be more personal.)
Interval workout with 2 minute exertion and 2 minute recovery
3.0 for 5 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.4 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.6 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.8 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.0 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.2 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.4 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.6 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.8 for 2 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 5 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.0 for 6 minutes

536 calories burned. 4.001 miles at 2.0 incline. 78.5 carbs burned.

1 cup coffee with 4 Splenda and 1 tbsp Coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer. (notice a trend?)
1 apple
2 tbsp Naturally More Peanut Butter (notice another trend?)
20 oz. water

Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar

Lunch at Red Lobster
Small Caesar salad tossed lightly with dressing
1 Cheddar biscuit
6 coconut shrimp and dipping sauce (did not eat 2 more on my plate)
1/2 cup shrimp alfredo pasta (did not eat 1 cup remaining on my plate)
diet coke

2 cups coffee with Spenda and Coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer (that reminds me...I need to buy more)
2 grilled cheese sandwiches with WW bread and reduced fat cheese.
diet coke

So overall...I still felt ok about my day. Even though I made some poor food choices at Red Lobster, I didn't inhale the entire plate. Another downside of eating out for lunch...I was STARVING by the time we sat down...that's never a good thing. I read a blog post last week about how eating out is so bad for you--how restaurants make everything taste so good because they add like four sticks of butter. Seriously...I saw the butter pooling on my plate from the Shrimp pasta alfredo. I did turn my stomach a bit and was a good reminder that it's not nutritious to eat out. And then I dug in! :)

I knew I needed to eat something at night, but I wasn't starving. So I made my new favorite Weight watchers grilled cheese. Only 2 points per sandwich!

I was tempted for something sweet at night...but replaced/forgot about my desire since I was intent on finishing Twilight and spending some QT with my hubby. (glad my son went to bed early--wink wink). Before I fell asleep, I told my hubby that I'd like to hit Curves tomorrow morning for some weight resistance training...just to switch it up a bit. I'll also get on the treadmill...but I won't have to get on for an hour. Maybe burn about 200 calories? I'm also planning on cashing in my 2 week free membership at the Y...need to start swimming again!

And so I begin...

I woke up on the first day of the new year and drank my first cup of coffee. Hmmmm. Now what can I do...time to get on the treadmill!!

I walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes.
3.0 for 5 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 5 minutes
4.1 for 5 minutes
4.4 for 5 minutes
4.1 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 10 minutes
3.5 for 10 minutes
3.1 for 11 minutes

Burned 501 calories. Walked 3.682 miles at an incline of 2.0.

Food journal
1 cup coffee with 4 Splenda and 1 tbsp of coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer
1 apple
2 tbsp. Naturally More peanut butter
20 oz water

2 cups Progress Light Southwestern Vegetable Soup
1 Wasa crisp
20 oz water

1 minibag of kettle korn
1 Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar

Dinner at Mom and Dad's
3 baby carrots with 2 tbsp. of crap dip
small salad with 1 tbsp light honey mustard dressing
1 cup spaghetti and 1/2 cup sauce
3 meatballs
1 slice garlic cheese bread
1/2 can of diet coke
1 cup coffee with 2 tbsp fat free creamer
1 cup coffee with 4 Splenda and 1 tbsp of Coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer

I felt like I did pretty good for my first day of eating in the new year. Over the holidays I ate anything and everything I wanted. As you can see, I love carbs, so carbs must be a doable part of my nutrition plan. (I tried a low/no carb diet once....I was down to my skinniest, but couldn't stick to it. And then gained back all of the weight that I lost. No thanks! I need a plan that will work for someone who regularly gives into temptations.)

Temptations today.....a cheesecake in the fridge and a bowl of cookies---both that I made just yesterday for our New Year's Eve celebration. See what I mean? But.....I did not have any cheesecake or cookies. I also passed on the store bought cookies/cupcakes brought to dinner.

Overall rating for today...good. Happy New Year!!

New Year's Resolutions

I am always excited by the promise that a new year holds. Every year I make pretty much the same resolutions....isn't it about time that I stick to them? Because these resolutions truly reflect my inner desires.

Make better nutrition choices.
Exercise daily.
In doing the above two, lose the 20 extra pounds that I've been carrying around.
Make a budget and stick to it.
Limit my spending on frivalous, unnecessary things.
In doing the above two, put at least $1,000 into my savings account by December 31, 2009. health and my money. Those are two powerful elements of my life that I have struggled with all of my life. I'm 36 years old. It's time to make a permanent change. I have a three year old son and I want to be a good role model for him in these two areas.

My health and my money.

So those who fail to plan....plan to fail.

For the month of January, my initial resolution was to get on the treadmill everyday. Then I thought...let's be realistic. Pick a reasonable goal that I can meet and work up to everyday. Right now, anything would be an improvement over 0%. If I get on it everyday...good for me!

January Health Goals:
Exercise on the treadmill for 50% of the days of January.
Eat an average of 1500 calories a day or 175 points a week. (Weight Watchers.)
Burn an average of 500 calories a day.

January Money Goals:
Create a budget.
Shop only once a week.
Make a grocery list and stick to it.

Those goals feel reasonable and doable for me. Let's see how it goes!