Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well, this morning began as I was snuggled in my bed, while visions of sleeping longer danced in my head.

Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze.
(that's how many times I hit the Snooze button on my clock.)

My plan this morning was to get up at 4:30 am, get dressed, drive to the Y, sign up for my two week Free membership, swim for 30 min, shower, and come home by 6 am.

Just thinking about that exhausts me.

So I ditched the swim workout but got up to do Barry's Bootcamp dvd-lower body.

It kicked my arse.

20 minute interval workout with strength/aerobic intervals = a ton of sweat, and I'm hoping a ton of calories. (Later found out via a web tool that my 20 min workout= 230 cal.) It felt like more of a workout than Curves. Perhaps I should just quit Curves and use Barry's Bootcamp. It would save me $34 a month.

I started the day feeling hungry. I made it to my first cup of coffee, which helped.

So just to recap my morning (for all of you mothers out there): got up early for some "me" time, worked out, got a shower, make-up and hair, gave my son and husband a wake-up warning, got dressed, urged my son out of bed, he went to the potty as I got his clothes ready, dressed Willie, finished getting dressed, made half of the bed, turned off the lights upstairs, got Willie's breakfast, got Willie's vitamins, made a cup of coffee, sat down for a little Facebook time, packed my lunch, got Willie's coat on, got my coat on, lugged all of my stuff out to the garage, got Willie into his seat, drove to Debbie's, dropped him off, drove to school.

Get the picture?

My husband's morning: slept until 6:10 when my wife woke me for work, pulled out my clothes, made half the bed, used the bathroom, fixed a cup of coffee for myself, fixed a cup of chocolate milk for Willie, snapped at my wife for being in my way as I was trying to decide what to take to lunch, ate powdered donuts out of the box on the counter, finished getting dressed, up to the bathroom again, kissed my wife and son good-bye, grabbed by lunch, phone, and keys, and headed to the garage to smoke before leaving for work.

For one week...I'd like to be my husband. For one week.

And he knows this.

His response to my request? You'd have to work all of the overtime that I do.

Humph. I am woman. My life is overtime. Give me our overtime and I'll give you mine. At least you get paid for yours!

Oh, to be a woman and a mother. To have the strength, organization, and fortitude to take care of my family. To be the one whom everyone looks to to keep life running smoothly. How many of my Sisters can relate? Let me hear an AMEN!!

Ok, enough of my rant. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. I think it may have something to do with the songs I was listening to on the drive to work.

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one!

Charges me up every time. It reminds me of

Oh Mickey, you're so fine!
You're so fine you blow my mind!
Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!

Well, they're calling for a winter storm today. So my afternoon workout is going to be Teddy, my treadmill.

Yes, I've decided on Teddy. I figure it can work both ways for me. Teddy is the name of a bear that children like to cuddle. So on positive, energized days, I can affectionately spend some time with Teddy. Teddy was also the name of a famous serial killer (think Bundy) for those bad days when I'm loathing the workout. See how that works?

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