Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 2.

I woke up to reunite with my favorite part of the Yum.

60+ minutes on the Treadmill (Hmmm...I should name it.....then it would be more personal.)
Interval workout with 2 minute exertion and 2 minute recovery
3.0 for 5 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.4 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.6 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
4.8 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.0 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.2 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.4 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.6 for 2 minutes
3.8 for 2 minutes
5.8 for 2 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.8 for 5 minutes
3.5 for 5 minutes
3.0 for 6 minutes

536 calories burned. 4.001 miles at 2.0 incline. 78.5 carbs burned.

1 cup coffee with 4 Splenda and 1 tbsp Coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer. (notice a trend?)
1 apple
2 tbsp Naturally More Peanut Butter (notice another trend?)
20 oz. water

Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar

Lunch at Red Lobster
Small Caesar salad tossed lightly with dressing
1 Cheddar biscuit
6 coconut shrimp and dipping sauce (did not eat 2 more on my plate)
1/2 cup shrimp alfredo pasta (did not eat 1 cup remaining on my plate)
diet coke

2 cups coffee with Spenda and Coffeemate Pumpkin Spice creamer (that reminds me...I need to buy more)
2 grilled cheese sandwiches with WW bread and reduced fat cheese.
diet coke

So overall...I still felt ok about my day. Even though I made some poor food choices at Red Lobster, I didn't inhale the entire plate. Another downside of eating out for lunch...I was STARVING by the time we sat down...that's never a good thing. I read a blog post last week about how eating out is so bad for you--how restaurants make everything taste so good because they add like four sticks of butter. Seriously...I saw the butter pooling on my plate from the Shrimp pasta alfredo. I did turn my stomach a bit and was a good reminder that it's not nutritious to eat out. And then I dug in! :)

I knew I needed to eat something at night, but I wasn't starving. So I made my new favorite Weight watchers grilled cheese. Only 2 points per sandwich!

I was tempted for something sweet at night...but replaced/forgot about my desire since I was intent on finishing Twilight and spending some QT with my hubby. (glad my son went to bed early--wink wink). Before I fell asleep, I told my hubby that I'd like to hit Curves tomorrow morning for some weight resistance training...just to switch it up a bit. I'll also get on the treadmill...but I won't have to get on for an hour. Maybe burn about 200 calories? I'm also planning on cashing in my 2 week free membership at the Y...need to start swimming again!

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