Monday, August 31, 2009

Last day of August...Thank GodI!

I'm so ready for a fresh start in September. The marks on my calendar are scarce for August, and I'm just ready to show myself that I can do this! (I mark my calendar for every 30 minutes of exercise.)
I am dealing with some sad news that finally hit me this morning. (Sad being a very relative term...more disappointing actually.) I will not be able to swim in the mornings this year. An opportunity arose to arrive at school 30 minutes early to work with children...and I'll get paid EXTRA for doing it! I just couldn't pass it up. I always tell my husband that I wish I had the opportunity to work overtime with my job, so when said opportunity arose, I took it! Of course, maybe I didn't totally think it through, because lots of concerns are arising. My number one concern is that I now have to drop Will off 30 minutes earlier than usual at a new daycare. Another concern: no more morning swims. A third concern: I'm going to need to be TOTALLY on my game to be organized enough to be out of my house at 6:30 am. And this morning it occurred to me that I can't drop Willie off before 7 am at his sitter's house, and school starts I have to BE THERE at 7 am. So....I'm going to ask our sitter if I can drop Willie off early for these last 4 days in her care. If she can't, then I'll have to see if Will can drop him off (as long as he doesn't have to work overtime.)

I swam for 20 minutes this morning and wasn't into it AT ALL. I was tired, but I felt good during the swim. I'm on some medicine for my acne right now that I take on an empty stomach in the morning, and an hour after I take it, I feel completely NAUSEOUS. So that wasn't very nice after I got out of the pool this morning. As soon as I eat something, I feel better, but it was not pretty for about 10 minutes. Perhaps I should take it before bed.

Willie and I went to the WM picnic last night at Kids' Kingdom. For the record, I hate Kids' Kingdom. I know that Hate is a very strong word, but in this case, it is completely appropriate.
Picture the most unmanageable playground for kids. There are too many places for kids to go, too many places for kids to get hurt. and it's just so darn hard to keep track of my son on the equipment! On top of that, there are always children who are totally unsupervised...and of course, climbing UP every blessed sliding board there is. A HUGE pet peeve of mine. And these children last night...running around in bare feet, covered in dirt and mud, some running around in muddy socks...oh. my. God. I was having a panic attack with the filth and neglect.
Then it was discovered, that there was a pile of smeared poo in one section of the playground. Dis. gus. ting. And drama ensued when a parent moved a trash can that was apparently covering part of the poo...and left the rest of the poo completely exposed...which then prompted a young man to stand guard and SHOUT warnings to everyone about the "turd" lying on the ground. (To which Willie, of course, asks, "What's a turd? See, there are opportunities to learn in almost every situation!) Finally, my principal found out about the said turd, realized that her daughter was playing in the said area, ran after her shouting warnings, which scared the um, crap, out of her poor daughter, who then ended up crying hysterically. Poor thing. ("Mommy, I didn't step in it!!") So then my principal brought the trashcan cover back over to place on top of the poo pile. The guardian of the poo was happy, the shouting ceased, and we decided that it was time to go home.
Next year, my principal decided that she would host the party at her house.
Ahhhh. (Huge sigh of relief.)

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