Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Where is my 2 hour delay???

Ok, for the fifth time this season, the area where I live has been forecasted to have significant ice accumulation, snow, sleet, and freezing rain, treacherous travel, etc.

For the fifth time this season, I've woken from a restful yet eager slumber, no, no...CONVINCED that school would be delayed.

I've got friends at school doing snow dances, wearing special snow clothing, praying for the blessed white stuff to fall from the sky. And what have we gotten?


And how many times have we been delayed this winter?


So now how much confidence do I have in our weather forecasters?


(Excuse me while I read the opening lines to Return of the Jedi for my son.....)

Anywho, I am someone who Loves snow delays and snow days. Of course, once June rolls around, I'm READY for the summer break, but during the dead of winter, I'm up for any and all surprise days off of school.

I decided this morning, as I got up to check for my delay on the tv, that if we were delayed today, I would do my treadmill workout in the morning. We weren't delayed, so my plans to workout after school today remained.

I sat in a chair all day in a professional training about Learning Focused Schools. Tomorrow-same thing. No movement. No physical activity. Lots of brain stimulation (even if it was joking around with my friends, which of course, is the best kind of brain stimulation.) By the end of the day, everyone was brain dead, so the instructor let us out early.

Hallelujah! And guess where I went?

Hint: It's fun to stay there. You can get your stuff free. You can have good meal. You can do whatever you feel.

So I got my two week membership and upgraded to the women's health center, which means a private workout room, lockers, shower, etc. A nice benefit so I'm not in the regular locker room with a too small towel wrapped around me (of course showing off some part of my unmentionables) while some random student runs up to me saying, "Hi, Mrs. Mace!!!" and then follows me around until I leave.

No. Thank. You.

While in the women's health center, I tried something new! The Elliptical machine! I actually liked it a lot, burned a ton of calories in 30 minutes, but fear that I will be hurting tomorrow.
30 min=340 calories

I was going to go swimming, but there were only two lap lanes open. So I did my treadmill instead.
30 min=200 calories

Tomorrow there are 4 lap lanes open, so I'm going to get my swimming in. I figure I can do Barry's Bootcamp for upper body tomorrow morning and then swim in the afternoon.

Calories today? I'm sure too many. I was sitting in a long training all day where the only entertainment/pleasure involved eating. The morning snack provided to us was bagels, cream cheese, and fruit. Yes, Yes, and Yes. Then they provided lunch for us-soup, turkey and bacon wrap, bbq potato chips, and cookies. Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes (times 3).

Dinner was a Lean Cuisine BBQ chicken pizza and coffee.
Breakfast (before the additional bagel and fruit and x-large coffee from Dunkin Donuts) was reduced sugar apples and cinnamon oatmeal and 2 pieces of WW toast with spray butter and jam.

Water consumption today? Minimal. But I drank a helluva lot of coffee. Does that count?? I mean, it's basically flavored water. I'll try to do better tomorrow. I don't think that my calorie intake will be better, but I'll get my workouts in and try to drink more non-coffee flavored water.

BTW-I missed the first episode of The Biggest Loser last night. Arghh. A big shout out to my girl Mendy (Holler!) for texting me that it was on. Unfortunately, my better half heard the text come through on my phone, checked to see what it said, and then forgot to relay the message...until 6:30 this morning.
I think it's time I had a little talk with my secretary...

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